We refer you to obligation under Workmen’s Compensation Act. ‘Every employer shall pay compensation to every workman (i.e. person who has entered into or is working under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer whether by way manual labour, clerical work or otherwise, and whether the contract is expressed or implied, in oral or in writing) employed by him against injury or death arising out of or in the course of his employment.
This class of Insurance is recommended for your employees / workers to cover your liability to them during the period of the meeting.
Where death result from the injury and the workman leaves any dependant wholly depending on his earnings, the amount of compensation shall be a sum equal to forty-two months earnings. - Where permanent total incapacity results from the injury, the amount of compensation shall be a sum equal to fifty four months earnings.
- TEMPORARY TOTAL DISABLEMENT:The benefit payable is for 24 months and the payment is as follows:
Full salary for the first 6 months: Half salary for the next 3 months, one quarter salary for the remaining 15 months period. - MEDICAL AND TRANSPORT EXPENSES:The Decree gives no limit and allows for “any reasonable expenses within or (with approval) outside Nigeria”. ‘Employers’ liability under this item could be considerable if the Employee is seriously injured and where he has to be flown abroad for treatment.
However, the employers’ legal liability could be insured through us with reputable insurance companies and compensations will be guaranteed.